Table of Contents


The processor page displays the state of the machine: the registers and memory. The top left section shows the control registers, the register file, and the memory. There are two views into the memory, which is useful for decoding linked data structures. The top right contains a small text box for typeing input, and a log of all the input/output. The bottom section shows the assembly language code.

  • Help (key h) Show or hide the help panel
  • Boot (key b) If the assembler or linker has produced an executable machine language program, load that into the memory and set the Processor Status to Ready. If there isn't an executable program, boot does nothing.
  • Step (key s) Execute one instruction.
  • Run (key r) Run the program until a stopping condition (halt, pause, breakpoint)
  • Pause (key p) Stop execution of the program and display the registers and memory; leave the machine in the Ready state. Execution can be resumed by either Step or Run.

Author: (johnt@SPECTRE2018)


Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.5.5)
